by Natasha Toehemotu | Feb 26, 2024 | Accountancy
With everything in life, there is always a positive and negative perspective. I myself am a glass half full kind of person. I am finding myself having this conversation more frequently these days. So I thought it would be a good idea to put this in an article. What is...
by Ben Holloway | Jul 14, 2022 | Accountancy, CA jobs, Workplace Culture
If you haven’t yet watched stranger things, the following won’t make much sense. Does it feel like you’re working for a CA firm better suited for the 1980s? Are there rooms with smoke-stained wallpaper and files up to the roof gathering dust? Or old technology that...
by Jaz Thorn | Jul 7, 2022 | Accountancy, CA jobs, Salary Guides
It’s Time To Talk Salaries – 2022-2023 Public Practice Salary Guide Release: Are you a frequent LinkedIn user? Or are you someone who only pops on for a quick nosy when you’ve run out of tik-tok videos to watch? Either way, you’ll see from the...
by Tyler Wren | May 13, 2022 | Accountancy, CA jobs, Kiwi Returners, Moving to New Zealand
The current situation It’s well known that the international borders being closed has had a huge impact on New Zealand accounting jobs. The past couple of years have put a huge amount of strain on a wide range of Kiwi businesses. For New Zealand based accounting...