Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium between your professional endeavours such as career progression and professional development. It also refers to your personal endeavours such as your personal well-being, your relationships with friends and family, sports,...
Taking quality time for holidays without the guilt and pressure As a working mother with a husband who is in the army and away a lot, I harbour mixed feelings about the summer holidays. Six to eight weeks of sun, spending time with our children, taking time out and...
As this lockdown hits its tenth week, it’s safe to say it’s been a tough one. We all have our reasons to hate it. Businesses are closed, events cancelled, families separated, and a fair share of rain to keep us stuck inside. However, for some, including...
In the last quarter of 2020 as I do every year as far back as I can remember I have taken some time out of my busy life to assess personally and professionally where I am today, where I want to be tomorrow, and the plan to get me there. 2020 was an...
As we plot our course for the evolving scenarios relating to our professional lives during and after this pandemic I took some time out recently to think about how I have personally been affected by the change. To put it into perspective my career to date has been one...
Managing full-time work schedules and young children is no easy feat on any given day – let alone when we are hit with a global pandemic that sends our nation into lockdown for a month. The result, a frustrated parent and a raging toddler who doesn’t...