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Onboarding Remotely in 2020 – 2021
The recruitment industry as a whole has had its share of ups and downs recently, in the last six months we have had offers pulled, resignations retracted, interview processes put on hold and candidates feeling relatively uneasy about moving roles or what the future...
Interview feedback…..why is it important?
It's busy out there, lots of activity with people seeking employment or reassessing their current employment situation. And as people have the time and ability to seek employment they often reach out or engage with a recruitment consultant to streamline the...
Interview Small Talk
You’re sitting in the waiting room wearing your lucky underwear when the interviewer welcomes you with a “how you going?”. The dreaded small talk begins, first impressions count and you have 7 seconds to impress. You pass the first test with a firm handshake and...
It’s raining candidates, but what does this mean for you as a business!
The candidate market is ever so buoyant, it’s a strange environment we find ourselves in considering NZ is typically a skills-short country. Chances are, regardless of whether you are hiring or not, if you have an online presence and an appealing brand, you would have...
Webinar: Building resilient teams and implementing change now
Mirjam Oord is a passionate business transformation specialist and Director of People and Capability at solarcity. She has previously held senior positions at Watercare, and at Mercury as their Head of Organisational Change alongside being a Strategic Change Advisor...
An insight into a kiwi who has flown to Australia
Export your legal career with a quick hop across the ditch. Published on July 7, 2020 With the potential for a trans-Tasman bubble on the horizon in the hopefully not too distant future, Australia presents itself as a credible and practical option for NZ Qualified...
Managing counter offers
The market is ever changing in a normal scenario, add COVID-19 in the mix and you will get an absolute whirlwind. The CA market is slowly but surely showing signs of waking up which is positive and now more than ever, counter offers are going to be happening. So you...
Leap of faith: When to call it quits on your job
Conventionally held beliefs encourage workers to grind out a living through thick and thin. But during a crisis, many are rethinking their professional path. Here’s how to know when it’s time to go. By Linda Moon Locked down under coronavirus, many people have had...
Webinar: Network advice on forecasting the next 12 months & managing the environment.
Hosted by Lisa Gray and Gary Bloxham. Listen to Laurie Kubiak – CEO NZIER and Bryan Whitefield – Strategist and Risk Consultant at Bryan Whitefield Consulting.
Preparing for a Risk and Compliance Interview – Top Tips and Tricks
You have been invited to interview for a new role, whether it be you are actively in the market or intrigued by what is out there and where your career can take you. Either way, you will want to make sure you are prepared, confident and come across knowledgeable with...
WEBINAR ALERT 17.06.20 @ 13.30 NZ TIME
Laurie Kubiak - CEO of New Zealand Institute of Economic Research will present on his forescast for the next 12 months Bryan Whitefield - Director of Bryan Whitefield Consultancy will give advice on how to manage risk during this time of change. Please click on the...
**it happens
There is an alternative. Over the last few months, I have talked to many NZ Qualified lawyers whose OE plans have been totally scuppered. There was “Rebecca” who flew to Italy with her brother only to find upon arrival things were going into lockdown, to try and save...