Whether it’s the hustle and bustle of Sydney, the wine in Adelaide, the coffee culture in Melbourne, the theme parks of the Gold Coast or the sunshine hours in Perth, Australia has something for everyone. Like New Zealand, there are auditor opportunities in Australia, and they often look to overseas markets to help fill their gaps.
Why would Australian employers look to New Zealanders?
New Zealanders are an obvious choice due to a multitude of reasons. NZ citizens can live and work in Australia with relative ease on visa restrictions which is the biggest factor, but there are others. A high percentage of Auditors in New Zealand would complete their Chartered Accountancy through Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand, meaning the qualification is completely transferable. As much as we sometimes wouldn’t like to admit it, we are very similar to Australians culturally. This makes embedding an overseas employee from New Zealand much easier than perhaps people from other parts of the world. When hiring somebody from overseas, there is always the possibility of somebody becoming homesick and returning home. With New Zealand being relatively close and accessible, we tend to notice Kiwis tend to settle well, with one stop away from home.
Why should Australia be somewhere you consider?
As mentioned above, culturally, it’s an easy landing and relatively easy access to New Zealand, should there be a need to return. Also, the transferability of the role is a key reason the move should be fairly straightforward. Aside, Australia has plenty to offer. Much has been written about the global situation with inflation, and Australia is not immune to it either. However, salaries are typically higher, and food, petrol, clothes, and housing can be cheaper. All this, coupled with warmer weather, larger cities, and a huge outback to explore, makes Australia a great place to consider.
What should I do next?
Moving overseas will be a different beast depending on individual circumstances, and we have previously talked about what you should investigate before starting the process in this article.
The Big Four and Mid Tiers, as we know them, are also in Australia, so transferring to Australia with your current business is certainly an option. However, moving internationally with a company in many ways is like starting a new job. New Partner and team, new offices and new clients. When moving overseas, many like to look at the Australian job market and explore multiple options before committing to one.
At Tyler Wren, we have established relationships with a wide range of Audit firms across Australia, from the Big Four to smaller and medium-sized businesses. We specialise in understanding your requirements and providing opportunities not on the usual job boards.
If Australia is already on your radar, or you would like to know more about the market, feel free to reach out to discuss;
Ben Holloway | 03 244 0258 | bholloway@tylerwren.co.nz