It is an interesting time at the moment for everyone, with Covid-19 now becoming a worldwide problem both for our health and economy. But these problems are not insurmountable, as long as we take decisive action as a nation, for the good of all of us. We are adapting to our new but temporary ‘normal’. And we’re learning to become innovative in the way we work and in the way we use our time.
We don’t know when life will return to normal, but we can still plan for the period after lockdown ends. I’m preparing for a quick restart to life after Covid-19, and you can too.
How can you maximise your post Covid-19 opportunities
Personally, I’m having lots of conversations at the moment. Whether that be as a sounding board, mentor or just asking how people are feeling right now. Some people are concerned, some are unsure what to think, and others like me understand that this will pass and that we will come out the other end stronger and more agile than before. It’s also got me thinking about everyone’s mental health and how we can help ourselves and each other during this time.
I’ve put together a list of my thoughts on how to be more resilient at this time.
- Keep calm – panicking doesn’t help anybody, nor does it get anything done.
- Stay focused on solutions not problems.
- Talk with people who won’t send you into a negative spiral. It’s best to be realistic, but when negativity creeps in, it won’t help anyone.
- Change your focus and ask yourself what new skill could I learn or improve upon.
- Could I help someone who needs support? Helping someone else can make you feel better.
- Keep connecting with people – on the phone, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangout, House Party – these are all great for keeping engaged with people and help to release any stress you may have.
- Take regular breaks and perhaps walk round the block, vacuum the house, do some yoga or pilates for 15 mins. This will release endorphins and make you feel better.
- If you have children, look to them and observe their natural adaptability. They will provide you with what you’re looking for.
- Lastly, remember that you’re not in this by yourself, and the massive change isn’t unique to just you. We are all in this together.
I’m also thinking about my conversations and how I’m able to assist further as a consultant and partner alongside my clients. I feel there is a wider role to play during this time in providing support to our industry clients and engineers. I’m talking about being a sounding board, support system and advisor. Whether that be needing a new job or making sense of the market and how this may impact career progression.
Lastly these are unprecedented times and Covid-19 is something we didn’t see coming. But what I’m certain of, is that Kiwis are known for their tenacity, resourcefulness and get on with it attitude. This will pass and we will get through it together.